Affordable Housing in Medford, Massachusetts

Want to attend?

Follow these three steps to reserve a space at the workshop.

Medford Community Housing
PO Box 575 - Medford, MA 02155

Paid to Medford Community Housing  $25



First-time Home Buyers Program

Smart Home ownership Starts Here! Buying a home is a big deal, whether you're doing it for the first time or getting back into the ever-changing market. When you educate yourself for smart home ownership with Framework, you'll navigate every step of the process with confidence.

The Framework course is affordable at: just $75 for

online course using the "Sign up using the FRAMEWORKS blue button to the left,

Upon completion of the course there's a one hour mandatory exit counseling session. The cost is $25.00 paid to Medford Community Housing through our Paypal payment buttonabove.. Please contact us directly to schedule through our email address below.

This online course walks you through the steps in the home-buying process. The counseling session reviews the course curriculum and tailors the session to your home-buying needs including additional programs available for first time home buyers.

For questions, or additional information please email us at:


TBD 2025

      You must attend all three sessions for each workshop to receive your C.H.A.P.A. certification.

All three Classes run from  6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


To Register for the FTHB Video

           Conference Workshop.

1. Please pay through the PayPal donation  button HOME page. You don't need an account with PayPal to pay.

2. The cost is $65/household.

3. You must send us a confirmation e-mail with your contact information and PayPal confirmation #, 

               Email address:


       First Time Home Buyer Workshop

Many potential homeowners are intimidated because they feel the home buying process is complex.

​​​​One way to minimize the fear of the home buying process is to provide clear and consistent information and high quality guidance for buying a home. The objective of this workshop is to help answer the many questions you have regarding the home buying process and receive a certification to assist you in qualifying for many First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs.

Borrowers who participate in special housing programs, affordable deed restriction home ownership  units and closing costs/down payments assistance grants are usually required to successfully complete a home buyer education course as a prerequisite.  

Our Home Buyer Education Workshop will help you to determine, if you are ready to buy a home, how much you can afford, what type of house you are looking for, along with help in understanding the mortgage and closing process.  Our curriculum covers many other housing related matters that will assist you in making informed decisions, while successfully becoming a proud homeowner!  During this Covid-19 health emergency we will be doing our workshop via Zoom.. Please register through the PayPal donation button on this page and send us an email with your confirmation receipt. The cost is $65/household. We're an approved homebuyer counseling agency through C.H.A.P.A, MassHousing, and the MHP "One" Program.

**We also offer the Frameworks online course below which is HUD approved for HOME Ready, HOME Possible and HUD down payment assistance programs.. This program is open to all first time home buyers who wish to purchase a home in Massachusetts.